Naaman’s Young Maidservant, Channel for a Miracle
A Young Girl’s Testimony Led to One of the Most Significant Miracles in the Old Testament
Probably not yet in her teens, Naaman’s maidservant was captured and taken to Syria during the reign of Ahab’s son Joram, a time when Israel was constantly invaded by surrounding nations. Although living in a foreign land and serving people who may have killed her family, she demonstrated a sincere desire to serve her master well (Matthew 5:44), offering her service “as if you were serving the Lord, not people” (Ephesians 6:5–8).
This Hebrew child had clearly been taught that God’s hand was on her life. Though in the midst of a pagan setting, she was securely committed to Yahweh as a God of mercy. Despite the atmosphere of war and oppression, this young girl determined to reveal the superiority of Israel’s God over the pagan gods of Syria. She exercised her own simple faith and testified to God’s power to heal leprosy, which resulted not only in the miracle of saving of her master’s life but also in his introduction to the power of the God of Israel. Her persevering testimony led Naaman to submerge his pride and make the decision to put his faith in the God of Israel.
This young captive maidservant was responsible for introducing her pagan master to the God of Israel (2 Kings 5:1–14) and became an effective channel for one of the most significant miracles in the Old Testament. Her example illustrates the capacity of even a young child to remember and obey wholeheartedly God’s commands in difficult circumstances (see Daniel 1:3–20).
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Drawn from an article in the NIV Woman’s Study Bible.

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