Don’t Go It Alone
Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” So Mordecai went away and carried out all of Esther’s instructions.
Esther 4:15-17
Ask any builder – the taller the building, the deeper the workers have to go to dig the foundation. A believer’s foundation is his root system, and God has made a way for us to deepen our roots through spiritual disciplines. The Bible stresses the necessity of worship, prayer, and study of Scripture. Those are the Big Three essentials in growing as a believer.
A fourth discipline is often overlooked. While it may not immediately come to mind as a discipline, an argument can be made that Jesus elevated it to be among his top priorities. Community.
By community, we mean sharing life with other followers of Christ. Of all the Bible’s descriptions of the church, perhaps none is more appropriate than “the body of Christ.” If we’re the body of Christ, then by nature we are a collection of individual parts grouped into a purposed whole.
Community is more than connecting with your friends and attending a worship service; it’s part of digging in your roots. If you’re only a roots person, full of knowledge without any reach, you’re useless. At the same time, if you dig in alone, not only are you useless as a reach person; you also don’t have a good picture of God. God is community. Even in his essence, he is three Persons in one – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and they’re always together.
Together is Better
We either believe we are a small but essential part of the body of Christ or we don’t. We either believe Jesus meant it when he called us to community or we don’t.
Jesus is God himself, and during his time on earth he didn’t do ministry alone. He started the church by discipling a group of men. Similarly, we forfeit a significant part of our growth when we do not join with other believers.
Why Is Community So Important?
One of the primary ways God ministers to us is through other believers. When Jesus was crucified, the disciples huddled in fear of the authorities. On the surface, it’s easy to judge them in their weakness, even though every one of us would have trembled right there with them. But what is apparent in this picture is beautiful fellowship and community because of the trial they were enduring as a body. Fellowship is not pizza and Coke after church; it’s the certainty that we’re in something together and that our common faith will keep us going. God is honored when we do something bigger than ourselves and need each other to do it.
Found in the NIV Bible for Teen Guys from content in the Thrive Student Edition by Mark Hall with Tim Luke.

NIV Bible for Teen Guys
Filled with honest discussions about what it means to be a man of God, as well as wisdom on specific challenges the world throws our way, the NIV Bible for Teen Guys helps guys ages 13-18 to grow stronger in all areas of life, while also growing stronger in faith.
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Thank you God. You are teaching me in your ways. I am blessed in this Scriptures.
I thank God for all he does for me and my family. He saved me from all my sins, and made me a good person. God, I’m grateful to you and I will remain serving you until death and evangelize your name to those who do not know you. Amen 🙏
Community is something I have not given much thought. Thank you for that enlightenment.
Yes, it takes a community without a doubt! I would not be where I am today without a wonderful community that’s committed!! I can’t thank them enough!!!
Wow! Thank you for this!
I thank God for every day… for this beauty of nature… I see Jesus by my side every day on my way out of the house.
Thank you God for reminding me of how important community is in our faith walk.
Wow, what an eye opener… We can’t be individualistic Christians.
Thank you for this email today! I needed this guidance today and this week!
Que le Seigneur soit loué pour cet enseignement si précieux! (May the Lord be praised for this precious teaching!)
Thank you, Jesus, for being my example, my Shepherd, my Guide, and for giving me a supportive community, my church family! Lord, I love you and praise you! Lead on, Lord!
Thank you God. He is faithful and He knows everything we’re going through each and every day. I really love being involved with a community. God Bless.
How does one find community?
I love this. That is also why the Scripture encourages us not to forsake the assembly of the saints. Blessings
Thank you for this eye opening message.
I believe that believers are called to a community. This was clearly confirmed in Jesus’ statement that wherever two or three are gathered in his name, he will be in their midst. However, this fourth element of ministry is made clearer to me in this writing and I appreciate your insight and vision deeply.
Thank you for showing me the importance of walking together with other believers.
Thank you Jesus for your teaching! It’s helping my spiritual life to grow.
It is very important for people to know where they came from. Let let us pray for those still in darkness to see the light. Glory be to our lord God almighty forever. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Lord. I am encouraged this wonderful inspiration.
I am alive today because of God. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for what you are teaching me through this community. He is three persons in one. The Father who created the heavens and the earth, Jesus who teaches us the way to worship; and the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us.
Wow what a powerful word. Thanks be to our Lord for such an inspirational message.