Begun in 1990 and co-sponsored by the International Bible Society (now Biblica) and Zondervan Publishing House, the first NIrV Committee convened with the vision of developing a translation, based on the NIV, specifically to meet the needs of new readers and others who struggle with the English language. In 1991, they established general guidelines for the new version. It would read at a third-fourth-grade level and would function as a stepping-stone to the NIV.
Once the translators had been recruited, training sessions were held, and the process began. Fourteen denominations were represented by the forty translators, with many of the translators having also worked on the NIV.
The New Testament was published in 1994 with the full Bible made available in 1996.
The most recent update in 2014 reflects the changes made to theNIV. By this time, it was necessary to do a thorough review of the English language changes and go a step further with providing increased clarity and readability for those having a third-grade reading level.
As with the NIV, the NIrV is a dynamic translation that is continually reviewed and improved by the translation committee. This committee is affiliated with Biblica, a nonprofit organization committed to translating the Bible and distributing it to people in need around the world.
Significant Translation Development and Publishing Milestones
The NIrV Committee met for the first time to discuss the vision of developing a translation, based on the NIV, specifically to meet the needs of early readers and others who struggle with the English language.
The NIrV Committee established the translation guidelines of 1. a third-grade reading level, and 2. a translation that would function as a stepping-stone to the NIV.
The translation’s name, New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) was announced by the International Bible Society (now Biblica) and the NIrV Holy Bible, New Testament was published.
The NIrV Holy Bible was published, the first full NIrV Bible.
The first revision came just two years later in order to incorporate the significant improvements made to the NIV at that time.
A revised edition was published to reflect the revisions made to the NIV in 2011. These changes were a result of the most recent advances in biblical scholarship as well as a thorough consideration of changes in the English language. It was important for the NIrV to also benefit from these updates.