Embrace Distraction-Free Bible Reading in 2025 with 4 Reading Plans
The dawn of a new year often sparks a desire for fresh starts and renewed commitments. For many, this includes a longing to connect more deeply with God through his Word. However, the modern world presents a relentless onslaught of distractions, making it challenging to carve out space for meaningful Bible reading. The constant ping of notifications, the allure of social media, and the ever-present demands of daily life can easily derail even the sincerest intentions.
This year, why not embrace a different approach?
The team at Practicing the Way has developed four reading plan options to guide you through the library of Scripture at a natural pace, with selections for weekdays and Sabbath days. Choose a plan that makes sense for you and print it off to track your progress. As you slow down and spend time in Scripture over the next year or two, may you experience the joy of communion with Jesus.
The reading plans include:
- Entire New Testament: Read Scripture with a focus on the life of Jesus and his earliest followers. Explore the practice of praying a Psalm daily.
- New Testament + Key Old Testament: Read through the New Testament and the three Old Testament books most quoted by Jesus. Explore the practice of praying a Psalm daily.
- Entire Bible: Read the entire library of Scripture with the Old Testament organized around its original Hebrew order (TaNaK). Explore the practice of praying a Psalm daily.
- Entire Bible, Mixed: Read the entire library of Scripture with an alternating focus on Old Testament and New Testament books. Explore the practice of praying a Psalm daily.
These custom reading plans are meant to be used with The NIV Lectio Bible, a new Bible designed to accommodate a very old way of reading: slow, peaceful, and with hearts attuned to Jesus. Because this Bible is as distraction-free as possible, with chapters and verses removed, each reading plan indicates which page numbers to read. All plans include a daily Psalm and are designed to be read over five days each week instead of seven, with a special reading for Sabbath.
The introduction to The NIV Lectio Bible, written by John Mark Comer, emphasizes the importance of Lectio Divina, an ancient practice of spiritual reading that centers on meditation and listening for God’s voice.
Comer writes, “The early disciples of Jesus coined this phrase, which is Latin for ‘spiritual reading.’ But this way of reading goes back to Joshua 1, Psalm 1, and the practice of meditation. Lectio Divina is a way of reading slowly and prayerfully, with special attention to how Jesus is speaking to you through the text. It’s different from Bible study. If Bible study asks, what did this text mean to them then, and how do we apply it to our life now? Lectio asks, how is God coming to me personally through this text?”
An even simpler practice is reading large sections of Scripture in one sitting. John Mark Comer notes that Scripture’s “chapters and verses were added beginning in the 13th century. They are incredibly helpful in navigating the library of Scripture, but most of the biblical books in their original form were arranged into movements, not chapters, with key words or phrases that function as seams between each section, marking the end of one movement and the beginning of the next.”
In removing the chapter and verse breaks, The NIV Lectio Bible helps reveal these seams that form natural stopping points in the story. Comer explains that “reading Scripture in line with its movements, and even returning to the original mode of hearing Scripture read aloud in community, is a significant step toward re-ordering our relationship with the Bible. As we read larger selections of Scripture, we become aware of the larger story it is telling, and we begin to find our story in its story.”
As you embark on a new year, consider engaging with Scripture in a way that deepens your connection with God. Utilize one of these reading plans with The NIV Lectio Bible to slow down, meditate, and listen for the still, small voice of God speaking to your heart.

The Lectio Bible
Featuring an introduction by John Mark Comer, The NIV Lectio Bible is intentionally designed to be as distraction-free as possible. Beautifully designed, single column, with no chapter or verse numbers or subheadings to interrupt your reading, this Bible allows you to fully immerse yourself into a seamless experience with Scripture as you invite Jesus to shape the architecture of your heart. This Lectio Bible is a companion to the Scripture Practice from John Mark Comer and Practicing the Way, a nonprofit that creates resources to help churches apprentice in the Way of Jesus. Learn more.
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Estoy listo.espero que esto me ayude a acercarme a JESUS, y a qué pueda tomar decisiones que me lleven a a una comunión real y sincera con Dios. (I am ready. I hope this helps me get closer to JESUS, and that I can make decisions that lead me to a real and sincere communion with God.)
I want to read and understand scripture . My memory sometimes does not work .
I wish to learn the Bible more.
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