God Will Provide
For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah. – 1 Kings 17:16
“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable and receives the impossible.” It may be easy to say these words when times are good and food is plenty. But these words were spoken by Corrie ten Boom, who, along with her sister Betsie, suffered horribly at the hands of Nazi guards at the Ravensbruck concentration camp. They were imprisoned for providing a hiding place for those persecuted by Hitler’s murderous Nazis.
With Betsie sick, Corrie tried to hoard a tiny brown bottle of liquid vitamins, but other women burned with fever, their teeth chattered with chill. She wanted to save the small amount left for the weakest inmates – but the numbers grew, reaching as many as 25. Corrie knew that sharing the drops would mean she’d have none left for her sister, but Betsie was emphatic that God would provide.
Amazingly, every time Corrie tilted the bottle for a sick inmate, one more drop would pour out. When there couldn’t possibly be any more, another dose was dispensed. When a guard smuggled in some vitamins for the prisoners, Corrie was elated. But first she determined to finish the drops in the bottle. She tipped it over, but no matter how hard she shook, no more came out.
Elijah was not in prison camp, but the land was suffering from God’s judgment of drought and famine. When he was hiding from King Ahab and he found refuge with a widow and her son, their jar of flour and jug of oil never ran dry. God faithfully supplied for his prophet and the people who harbored him during their time of need.
It may seem impossible to you that God would supply you with such basic things as flour and vitamins, but these stories are about the Savior who is the same yesterday, today and forever.
What do you need from God? Is the paycheck barely enough to cover the bills? Do the clothes seem as though they won’t last another season? Do you feel you can’t handle another day in your present circumstances? Ask God to provide everything you need to live. He will multiply his grace toward you in your times of trouble. He sees you in your hiding place and will find a way to meet your needs. Believe it. All things are possible with God.
For Reflection
Reflect back on a time in your life when your faith was running dry and you needed God to come through. How did God provide?
Are you in need of anything from God right now? If you are in want, ask God to multiply what you have to meet your needs.
Article drawn from a devotional in the NIV Women’s Devotional Bible.

NIV Women’s Devotional Bible
This Bible includes a full year of devotions written by women of God who offer inspiration, candid perspectives, and guidance. Includes a subject index to help you locate topics easily.
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