What Will Our Resurrected Bodies be Like?
The hope of many Christians is to go to heaven when they die, but biblical authors looked forward to being resurrected with their physical bodies after death, never to die again. Paul says that if believers will not be raised from the dead, then “we are of all people most to be pitied” (1 Corinthians 15:19). Christ’s resurrection proves that “those who belong to him” (1 Corinthians 15:23) will one day rise, too.
Jesus’ Resurrected Body
Not yet aware that Jesus had risen from the dead, the disciples are terrified when he suddenly appears in their midst, thinking they see a “ghost.” The Greek word translated here as “ghost” is pneuma, which is typically translated as “spirit” but is sometimes used in Luke to refer to demons (e.g., Luke 4:33; 9:39). Whatever it is the disciples think they saw, Jesus corrects their misperception by showing them the tangible flesh of his resurrected body. Jesus gives further evidence of his physical resurrection by eating a piece of fish in their presence (Luke 24:41–43).
This passage tells us a few things about resurrected bodies (both Jesus’ and ours):
- First, our resurrected bodies will be material, not some ghostly hologram.
- Second, Jesus’ request for, and eating of, food shows that resurrected bodies—like our current earthly bodies—get hungry and enjoy food.
- Third, the parallel passage in John 20:24–27 specifically mentions Jesus’ wounds that were still visible in his resurrected body. Some believe that this shows that while we will be healed of physical ailments in the resurrection, our bodies might still bear some evidence of our earthly experiences, perhaps even our disabilities.
- Fourth, the parallel in John’s Gospel also makes a point that the doors were “locked” when “Jesus came and stood among them” (John 20:19), suggesting that Jesus’ resurrected body, though material, was also able to pass through walls, though John is not interested in exploring the scientific details surrounding the event.
“How are the dead raised?” and “With what kind of body will they come?” (1 Corinthians 15:35) are the rhetorical questions of skeptics who think resurrection is impossible. As proof that God can in fact raise the dead, Paul points to seeds that appear to die, are buried like dead bodies and later rise from the earth. Moreover, seeds rise transformed, as different from when they were planted as various other kinds of bodies are from one another.
Likewise, dead Christians will one day rise alive and transformed, their formerly frail, ignoble and mortal bodies rendered powerful, glorious and immortal. Thankfully, Christ-followers will not remain mortal forever. Whether they die and are later raised or are still living when Jesus returns, they will all be transformed. Christians need not fear death, because death’s destiny is to be destroyed (1 Corinthians 15:26), while their destiny is resurrection and immortality.
Drawn from the NIV Upside Down Kingdom Bible.

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Thank you for explaining to me about the state of the dead.
I’m a Christian and believe God’s word. Will we remain in the grave or if cremated our ashes will remain on earth until the return of Jesus? Does our soul go to heaven before the body ? That part has never been clear to me. I’ve heard 45 years of preaching and Bible study but there is never clarity on this. Your opinion please ?
Scripture does not go into great detail about what happens to us before the resurrection of our bodies. But what he do know for sure is what Paul tells us 2 Corinthians 5:8, that when we die and are absent from our bodies that we are “at home with the Lord.” And in that we fact we can take comfort.
If risen bodies use air & food for fuel, does digestion, muscle growth and exhalation occur?
What we are told is that Jesus ate and broke bread with his disciples after his resurrection. Beyond that, how that worked biologically we are simply not told and it mostly speculative.
Personally, I disagree that our glorified bodies will have signs of earthly ailments or handicaps. “ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2Cor5:17. Also, 4And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Rev21:4. Jesus, the Lamb, will show his wounds suffered during His crucifixion even to the hour Satan and all worldly sinners face our Eternal Judge and cast into the everlasting lake of fire. Our glorified bodies will be whole, perfect, and eternal. Praise be to God!
You may be correct that our glorified bodies will not show any signs of earthly ailments. And it is worth noting that the author does affirm that our resurrected bodies will in fact be “healed of physical ailments in the resurrection.” Rather, they only suggest that some believe our resurrected bodies may bear some evidence of our earthly experience and perhaps our disabilities, just as Jesus’ resurrected body was healed but still bore his wounds.
I don’t recall it says anywhere in the bible that Christ followers will resurrect one day just like Jesus Christ.
I John 3:2 does suggest that we will be like him when he appears. We are certainly not given the details of what that entails, but it is safe to say that if we are to follow Christ in his resurrection, that our own resurrected bodies will have some semblance of Christ at least to a certain extent.
I strongly doubt that disabilities will persist in our resurrected bodies. That would defeat the entire hope of resurrection. Jesus preserved his scar just as a symbol to the disciples that it was him.
It is worth taking note that the author does not state that a person will still have a disability in their resurrected body. On the contrary, the author states that our resurrected bodies will in fact be “healed of physical ailments in the resurrection.” Rather, they merely suggest that some believe our resurrected bodies may bear some evidence of our earthly experience and perhaps our disabilities, just as Jesus’ resurrected body was healed but still bore his wounds.
Thanks Lord.
This is pure speculation and, I believe goes against Scripture. Yes, I believe in a bodily resurrection, however, the resurrected body of Jesus that appeared to His disciples is not necessarily proof that our new bodies will bear the marks of our life. Remember I John 3:2 – “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.” I believe Jesus appeared to His disciples as He did so they would recognize Him.
It certainly is speculation and a careful reading of this article demonstrates that. What is clear is that our resurrected bodies will be healed and glorified. What is unclear is what our resurrected bodies will look like. And the author of this article is basing what some have speculated about our resurrected bodies will be like based on what we are told of Jesus’ resurrected body when he appeared to his disciples.
God is wonderful and great. May we continue trusting in Him. May God be with all of us.
Your comment or statement that are resurrected bodies might even bear our disabilities is foolish misleading and disheartening for those that have hope I do not want my broken body that’s in a wheelchair and barely able to stand and walk with a walker or my granddaughter who has cerebral palsy and cannot move any part of her body other than her head that’s not contorted or twisted who would want a resurrected body like that shame on whomever would suggest that that would be possible in the resurrection true Jesus wounds or scars of the wounds we’re still there but just that the scar of what was but the holders of what is and will be for all eternity I’m disgusted at the suggestion that we might have disabled bodies in all eternity
It is worth taking note that the author never says that a person will still have a disability in their resurrected body. On the contrary, it is made clear that our resurrected bodies will in fact be “healed of physical ailments in the resurrection.” Rather, they merely suggest that some believe our resurrected bodies may bear some evidence of our earthly experience and perhaps our disabilities, just as Jesus’ resurrected body was healed but still bore his wounds. Those with debilitating conditions like, Spina Bifida, will for certain walk in their resurrected body. And yes – albeit speculative – they may very well have a scar that will forever show how God healed their body and bring glory to God.
Good work
I really enjoyed this lesson. May God continue to give us wisdom and understanding on his word.
Wow, indeed there is life after death. At the resurrection day when Jesus returns to take the true believers to Heaven, all the dead (both evil and righteous) will be rised, and will face judgement.
Beautiful and inspiring lesson! However, it is inconsistent with the Bible’s hope of what to expect about physical or mental disabilities at the resurrection! A scar is different from a wound! Imagine those who died with brutalised, emaciated bodies resurrecting to pick up where they left!! Jesus’ scars may be attributed to the fact that He is to remain in the form of a lamb who was slain (forever) as an everlasting witness to His sacrifice and His representation of mankind at the Father’s right hand. Thank you NIV!
Am blessed to read this message.
With it’s simplicity, it encourages and stimulates further reading. Thanks.
No one came as one whole entity. The body became life in the womb. We become holy in the tomb. Live holy like Jesus.
Sounds interesting and thought provoking.
Quite insightful and so uplifting… thank you Jesus for such revelation.
I really thank the LORD that now there is hope beyond the grave.
I want to read this bible to know more about the word of God.
I have a cremation plan. But now after reading this, I wonder if I should change my burial plans to a traditional one?
While traditionally, Christians have been buried in the ground, this is certainly not required by Scripture. We will all return to dust when we die, whether that is by cremation or by decay. What is clear in Scripture is that God will with certainty resurrect our bodies when he returns no matter what has become of them physically.
What happens to cremated bodies ?
While traditionally, Christians have been buried in the ground, this is certainly not required by Scripture. We will all return to dust when we die, whether that is by cremation or by decay. What is clear in Scripture is that God will with certainty resurrect our bodies when he returns no matter what has become of them physically.
Nothing is too difficult for God. For with God, all things are possible. We believe as Christians that life begins at conception. Whether we die in the womb from abortion, miscarriage or stillborn, or live to be a hundred plus years old and our bodies are worn and decrepit, it does not matter how we are buried whether we are buried as a body in a tomb, cremated or lost at sea and never recovered. No matter how our end and demise comes about, we can take heart and hope in the fact that he promised that we will be raised and be transformed. We will be like him so to God be the glory for there is nothing to fear, for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, peace and a sound mind. Be comforted in these words and the promises of God. May God be with you in Jesus name, Amen.
I enjoyed every bit of this article.